01923 256475

Work Experience at Humphreys 3

During my days at work experience at W H Humphreys & Son Ltd from The Thomas Alleyne Academy i have gained experience by working with staff and working hard, through tasks I have been set out to do.

The work I have done here has been challenging and I have worked with members of staff socializing with them allowing me to gain confidence during the hours I’m working through the day. I have learned the different roles of people working beyond the business also allowing me ask questions to members of staff. I have worked with the person who I am being peer assessed by (Rob Anderson Special Projects Manager). He set me tasks which would allow me to gain experience of what people do in the business. Also to learn and gain more knowledge of what i knew already.

The main tasks I was set were tasks which were beneficial to the company, I had to do a task which made me be vocal and interact with Andy reading out a 7 digit code then putting the files into boxes for a customer of the Humphreys business. The other task I was set was a task to research and give them feedback on the removal side of the company’s web site which my dad runs and review of what I thought was good or had space for improvement to attract more customers and how it could look more appealing to customers, I also said to update the website as I have been round the place and seen how it is now. While being here i have changed and refurbished the Humphreys website adding pictures into it making a new layout as i have gone along, the new layout consists on pictures for customers. The changes i made have mainly featured on the European Moves to give the customer and better idea of the place their interested in moving to.

James Baker, Thomas Alleyne Academy.