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Work Experience at Humphreys 2

For the last working week I have been spending time at a removal and data management company; called W H Humphreys. While I’ve was here I was able to oversee the different aspects of the company, as well as help with the day to day running of the business.

During the first day I was given an induction by Robert, who put me under his wing for the week ; this was for health and safety where I was told the dos and don’ts of the week ahead for instance I was told I’m not allowed to lift a chair.

Afterwards I was given an introduction into the company including overview of the its history from being small holding facility with a dairy production section to it, including cows, in the 1918 to now in 2015 as an archive storage, data management (scanning and shredding documents) as well as a removal firm. Along with building new warehouses they have kept some of the more historical buildings and using them as part of their archive store( see picture to the right).

While at the data management section of the company I was taught how complicated scanning is and how meticulous a job it is due to the dangers of staples and paper clips, if these two hazards are not taken out of every single piece of paper before being scanned it could damage the scanners’ very expensive lens.

On the second day I was given an opportunity to be an employer  and go through sample CVs to see if I would give them a job or not. During this time I discovered some things which I will add to my CV to make it better for example putting a cover letter with you CV so that you start off on good terms with employers, as well as to always had sign CV since it gives a personal feel to the CV.

In addition to an education into a good CV with Richard, Richard and Anna also taught me more on how new customers are attracted as well as more on the background of the business.

On the third day I was familiarised more with the removal side of the company. This meant I got to use a software programme which books in customers that want to moves; into computers. I then did this myself, giving me a sense of accomplishment. This was done with Darrel who also taught me how to copy a piece of paper onto the back of another paper.

I also learnt FAQ meant Frequently Asked Questions.

In addition I went thought the W H Humphreys website which looked very good and tried to find areas of the website that needed improvement. I realised at this point how picky I can be.

To start off with I had chosen W H Humphreys because of it was near to my house, but now that the week is coming to a close I’m glad I did because being here has shown me what it takes to make a successful company but also a company where the people working here enjoy what they do and enjoy spending time here due to the warm and enjoyable working environment where all people are welcome. If I was offered a job here I would be more than happy to take it; due to the good work environment and friendly employees.